
Saturday, April 21, 2012

April 21st, 2012

My mom has been struck by a wave of work related grumpiness, so we haven’t been updating like we should.

We have also been playing around with Etsy. Mom started herself a shop there to sell her photography. We’re going to first start with the postcards she gets for Postcrossing. We also made a Facebook page for her website. She says that she would love it if any of you would drop over there and ‘like’ it. (She says that I have more readers than her website and Facebook page!)

tn_2012-04-19 Postcard FL-003 (2) copy

We have been updating her website too. The website is mostly Mom’s attempts to show off her photos. She wants to be able to pay for her photography habit with her pictures! I guess that makes sense! If she uses that money to buy photography stuff, she will use the other money to buy stuff for my friends and me! (And books!)

Are any of you (or your humans) on Pinterest? Mom spends a lot of her time on there too.

Wren is still here. Mom ordered another of her kind a month or so. He comes from a place called Lati. His name will be Raven, unless he protests a lot! He is a White Basic Laches Special—whatever that means! I’m not too worried, because Mom is having a hard time finding him clothes, and she says that she won’t start making him his room until he ships! Right now he has some toys and a wig to wear when he shows up.

Mom says that we have to go to bed soon!

Marlowe II


  1. Oh how fun!!! I'll have to look you up in Etsy now!!

  2. Marlowe, tell your mom she has taken some great photos!

  3. Just stopped by to say Hi. Love PostCrossing

  4. Your mom takes great pictures Marlowe. x
