
Friday, July 05, 2019

July 5th, 2019

Hello everyone! I'm sorry we're late! Mom told me that we would type up our entry when she got home from work. She even got out of work early-- but we napped instead. (It's hot and humid, and it's humid where she works.) I noticed as well that our last post was our 500th, and we didn't notice that when we posted it! Oh well.

So last week, for Mom's birthday, they went to the zoo at the end of the road. It's a little private zoo, but they have some pretty impressive animals.  Mom mostly only has pictures of the petting zoo animals because they're the only ones that don't have a fence in between!

There were plenty of baby goats. I think I would like a baby goat some day. Mom says there is a very good chance that a baby goat would want to chew on me though, so I don't know if that's a good idea. Mom says we can have a baby plush goat though! 

This pig was one of Mom's favorite parts of the zoo. She didn't really care what anyone did-- as long as she could nap. She slept through a lot of little kids, and just got up and moved when they annoyed her too much. 

I hope you all are having a great week. Talk to you next time! (Hopefully on time!)

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