I do have a little figure Mom bought me to show you. It’s a Funko Pop keychain Mickey Mouse. I thought it was pretty much a Funko Pop that was my size. I think it’s pretty great!
Talk to you next week!
Hello everyone! How are you? I am okay. It’s been pretty cold here lately, so we haven’t done a lot of exploring. It’s a mad dash from the house to the car and back again! Mom says that in the spring, we will think that 22 degree weather is warm, but it’s certainly not now.
At the retail job, Mom discovered that they sell these little tiny cars. They’re some kind of Shopkin, which honestly I think is a bit creepy—I’m not sure if I really want to think that my food container is alive. Mom just likes small things, so we have one now! What do you think? Do any of you collect Shopkins?
Talk to you next week!