
Saturday, February 12, 2011

February 12th, 2011

tn_2011-02-08 Marlowe_edited-1

Mom posted this picture on my Flickr account, but I figure I should post it here. You people are the people that my mom would listen to! I want to go OUTSIDE. It’s been ages! (Mom says she has photographic proof that it hasn’t been ages, but I don’t care!) I would put my foot down on this subject, but it doesn’t make too much of an impact when you’re wearing slippers! Mom says that it is still going to probably be too wet to go outside tomorrow. (It’s supposed to be 36* F tomorrow—warm enough so Mom can’t use that as an excuse!)

Sigh. I must be a good little bear! Mom says that we don’t go outside because she’s afraid I’ll get dirty—which would bring on one of the most dreaded things in a plush bear’s life—a bath—so she’s really only thinking of me. Maybe I can at least convince her to let me go out on the porch! I’ll update you all tomorrow or the next day!

Marlowe II


  1. Tell your mom to carry you, then you won't get dirty.
    Have some one else take a picture of you both.


  2. oooh tu sais Marlowe, les bains ne sont pas si horribles pour les ours !!!
    Quelquefois lorsqu'un de mes ours est très très sale, il prend un petit (tout petit) bain ! Je lui verse de l'eau bien chaude, un peu de savon de marseille, et HOP ! sa fourrure est toute propre !
    Mon ours est bien un peu grognon mais lorsqu'il voit quelle jolie fourrure il a retrouvé, il est tout content !!!
    Gros bisous Marlowe !

    oooh you know Marlowe, baths bear are not so horrible!
    Sometimes when one of my bears are very very dirty, it takes a small (very small) bath!
    A little hot water, some "Savon de Marseille", and HOP! his fur is all clean!
    My bear is a bit grumpy but when he sees how beautiful coat he found, he is very happy!

  3. We love baths, cause Papa makes lots of bubbles and we can play with our toy boats. It's fun on a cold winter night. But we're tired of winter too, let's hope that spring arrives soon!

  4. Oh– don't Go Outside and Get Dirty Marlowe!!!

    It is so very HORRIBLE to have to get a B-a-t-h.

    I think that if your Mommy lets you Out on the Porch and you can See Stuff, you will be just as Happy as if you were out there on the Dirty Ground.

    Your Friend, Ryan

  5. Hey Marlowe, greetings from Spain :)
    If you don't mind, I will link your blog to mine, I like yours very much :))
